The tracking module provides a real-time view of a vehicle or asset’s position – whether it’s stationary or on the move – and which driver is behind the wheel. It also shows information relating to speed, driving direction, ignition status, driving violations, past trips and more.

Live streams are user-defined and contain information about events and messages to and from the connected asset and/or driver.

For priority trips, a stream can be undocked and kept open while navigating the rest of the application.

The solution’s reporting capability enables data to be reviewed and analysed in detail or in dynamic and customisable formats.

Reports include information on:

  • Movement
  • Location
  • Trip and utilisation reports
  • Driver scoring
  • Fuel usage
  • Event violations
  • Cost analysis

MiX Fleet Manager Premium is compatible with a flexible range of services, add-ons and accessories by MiX by Powerfleet.

Depending on specific operational goals or regional requirements, customers can tailor their solution to fit their business’ needs.

The tracking module provides a real-time view of a vehicle or asset’s position – whether it’s stationary or on the move – and which driver is behind the wheel. It also shows information relating to speed, driving direction, ignition status, driving violations, past trips and more.

Live streams are user-defined and contain information about events and messages to and from the connected asset and/or driver.

For priority trips, a stream can be undocked and kept open while navigating the rest of the application.

The solution’s reporting capability enables data to be reviewed and analysed in detail or in dynamic and customisable formats.

Reports include information on:

  • Movement
  • Location
  • Trip and utilisation reports
  • Driver scoring
  • Fuel usage
  • Event violations
  • Cost analysis

MiX Fleet Manager Premium is compatible with a flexible range of services, add-ons and accessories by MiX by Powerfleet.

Depending on specific operational goals or regional requirements, customers can tailor their solution to fit their business’ needs.


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